Protection of MQL4 executable files from decompiling
and unauthorized usage
Technology found to protect files from decompiling.
Ever wondered HOW to protect your hard Forex programming work from stealing and decompiling? Here's the solution:
It is possible to protect your code with password or a license file that will work on a computer it was issued for. Also possible to create the demo-versions restricted in time and/or its functionality.
You can download the demo version of EX4Protector from here (pass is: ):
The demo version is a semi-functional release of the app and can protect only from older versions of decompilers - all those prior to 225 build. But still its better than no protection at all, considering the fact that newer decompiler versions are not widely spread.
You can get 1.46 and all subsequent protect-only versions of EX4Protector with online licence (you have to be online to use it) just for 200 $. Offline version is 500$. And full version with unprotect capabilities, is 1000$.
But please be aware that current 1.46 version is still beta and may have some bugs (not serious), as well as it was hacked by the newest 228i version of decompiler, so it can protect only from older builds of decompiler.
But I'm working on new protection technology, and you will get it as an update for free, as soon as it will be released.
Please note, that this 200$ price is a discounted price, to support development of the new version of the Protector. As soon as the new (2.0) versions is released, it will be priced from 500$ for online licence and above. So you can take advantage of this discount now, while the software is being developed.
To protect your MQL files send their SOURCES to e-mail of this site, and after payment made you'll get your protected executable within 24 hours. The protected file source code cannot be sent to you for security reasons.
I, the Author, give a 100 % Guarantee, that all of your source code will remain in your private exclusive ownership and would never be sold, leased or used for commercial purposes without your notification and permission.
There's a 10-day money back Guarantee, in case you prove that your code was ever decompiled with existing versions of decompiler. If that is the case, please send me a fully decompiled (cracked) source code of your program for analysis. The Guarantee is NOT intact for the subsequent new versions of decompiler, although I'll try my best to update the protection system. For test, try to decompile this EA code: ProtectedEA
----------------------------------------------------------- Update: 17.9.2011 ------------------------------------------------------------
Now you can test my new protection technology for free here: Best EX4 Protector It utilizes the same principle I plan to implement in my new protector, but it's too expensive, so I'll try to make my much cheaper. So please, visit later.
----------------------------------------------------------- Update: 04.2.2012 ------------------------------------------------------------
Some good news for you: EX4 Protector v. 1.49 finally goes FREE!
Now its demo version has all features of the full version. Any donation is still appreciated though. See more info in program's version history.
Protection fees:
Permanent protection - 50 $
1 year protection - 40 $
6 month protection - 20 $
3 month protection - 10 $
1 month protection - 5 $
2 week protection - 2.5 $
1 week protection - 1 $
The protection period - rather refers to worktime of a protected program, than to protection itself. After expiration of protection term, your program would simply stop working and show an alert window saying that pre-paid worktime of the program is over. Nevertheless, it will still remain to be a "black box" for a cracker/hacker etc. :)
Also, there' s a flexible discount system, which enables resellers to make money reselling protection services to MQL4 programmers - the discounted price calculates this way:
Discounted price = Standard price / amount of orders in current month with the same value of price
F.i. you paid 50$ + 50$ for permanent protection of two EAs. So, protecting the 3-rd EA with the same term of protection will cost you only half the standard sum: 50 $ / 2 = 25 $